
Tarots Mucha and Golden Art Nouveau: A Comparison and Review

Publisher: Lo Scarabeo (both) The Tarot Mucha, 2014 The Golden Art Nouveau Tarot, 2019 For me, an art major of long ago, nothing brings a smile to my face quite like the words Art Nouveau. The name inspires visions of sensuous forms, organic design, and haloed repetition. Like most artistic movements, one artist reigns supreme […]

Readings Uncategorized

Making progress…

NB: This post was written with the express permission of the querent. Friday, June 30th, 2017, I was given the opportunity to read for the girls’ friend A—. It was a lovely experience. I had been told the Wednesday before that A— wanted a reading, which is my daughters’ code for “We want A— to […]

Review Uncategorized

Review: Tarot: The Open Reading and the CBD Tarot de Marseille

I have been trying to put my finger on exactly what it is about Yoav Ben-Dov’s book Tarot: The Open Reading that makes me enjoy it so, that makes me feel as if this were the book I needed right now. This doesn’t happen very often. I have a minuscule cadre of books that I […]

Mississippi Uncategorized

I’m pickin’ up cinder blocks on the way home…

Wife and I were taking a night out on the town to celebrate our twenty-first anniversary. We had chosen one of the three nice restaurants that we have in town. It was not a difficult decision. One of the places likes to push the coat issue, and our anniversary is in June. I am not […]

Mississippi Uncategorized

Gimme that ole time religion…*

Mississippi has a long history of doing things its own way, and we have been the butt of many jokes because of it. I used to resent the jokes because so many people do not know what it is like to live in Mississippi, what it means to be a Mississippian. Now, however, even I […]

Mississippi Uncategorized

שְׁכִינָה, indeed.

Southern Christianity, in my experience, is quite fundamentalist (or Fundamentalist, if you prefer) in its outlook, and though I might wish that I could say that these beliefs are foreign to me, they are not. I was reared in the church, the Southern protestant church, that is, yet over the years, I have come to […]


Review: The Fountain Tarot

I suppose it is always best to start at the beginning, and for this deck, that is the box itself.  The Fountain Tarot comes in a beautiful silver box made of nice, thick cardboard with a strong magnetic closure. Additionally, there is a color-coordinated ribbon that winds its way from the left side of the […]